Chicago Astronomical Society
Society promote the interest in, and advance the knowledge and understanding of
astronomy, the most ancient and the noblest of the physical sciences.
The next meeting of the Chicago Astronomical Society will be on
Saturday, September 14
with pizza and soft drinks at 5:30 PM
at the Cernan Earth and Space Center.
This is International Observe the Moon Night
and we will have telescopes set up to view the waxing gibbeous moon.
International Observe the Moon Night

Speaker: Edward Rafacz
Topic: Going to the Moon: to find, learn, and become.
About the Presentation:
Journey with us as we explore the monumental Apollo expeditions, an investment that yielded invaluable scientific discoveries and technological advancements. We'll uncover the fascinating findings from our lunar surface explorations, delving into the mysteries of our celestial neighbor. Through the lens of cutting-edge equipment like within the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package, we'll reveal how these missions unveiled the moon's unique properties, reshaping our understanding closest celestial body. Finally, we'll showcase the far-reaching benefits of this lunar venture, demonstrating how the quest to reach the moon propelled us into a new era of technological innovation. This presentation will illuminate how our journey to the moon not only expanded our knowledge of space but also revolutionized life on Earth.

About our Speaker:
As a commercial pilot type-rated on the Boeing 767 and 757 aircraft with over 22,000 hours of flight time, Edward Rafacz brings a unique perspective to space exploration, serving as a Space Exploration Merit Badge Counselor and sharing his passion for aerospace technology. His weekly YouTube channel,, breaks down the intricacies of spacecraft components and equipment, making complex concepts accessible to space enthusiasts of all levels. Edward's innovative spirit shines through in his creation of the Spacecraft Interactive Virtual Reality Museum, an immersive experience that allows visitors to step inside historic spacecraft and gain an in-depth understanding of their inner workings at

If you enjoy the activities of the CAS please become a member. Regular membership is only $30 a year. We hope that you can attend. Please feel free to forward and invite friends!

We would like to thank the Cernan Center and its director Kris McCall for their support of the CAS and astronomy/science education. We encourage CAS members and all others who support science education to purchase memberships for the Cernan Center.